The "Queen of Detachment" is Relinquishing Her Throne
Yep, I said it... I'm finally stepping down... The "Queen of Detachment" is no more... *sighs* detachment [dɪˈtætʃmənt] n 1. indifference to other people or to one's surroundings; aloofness 2. (Psychology) freedom from self-interest or bias; disinterest 3. the act of disengaging or separating something 4. the condition of being disengaged or separated; disconnection I've always prided myself on my ability to detach myself from ANY situation... I tried to look at it as a gift & a curse, but all along it was only just a curse... It was my defense mechanism, my way of protecting myself from getting hurt. All along I was hurting myself more and even worse, hurting people who cared about me. I guess you can peg it as the "love 'em & leave 'em" syndrome... I'd let people get close, whether for a brief moment or a designated season, and just like THAT I'd detach myself completely... I mean, no phone...