Clean Your Mirror
“The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.” - Mark Twain Tooooooooo often, many of us base our image of ourselves from the perception of others. We don't really try to do that, but it happens that way. We let the opinions of others distort our view, the most important view. In doing so, we lose focus in an unclean mirror, a mirror smudged with judgment, disappointment, & failed attempts. But, ohhhhhhh what a little cleaning will do!!! Be brutally honest about where you are in life right now... Is this where you planned on being 10 years ago? For alot of us, that answer is "no"... That's cool, though... We all have the power to live the life that we want, believe it or not. How did you get to the place where you are now? What is keeping you from living the life that you desire? When you answer those questions, thing become a little more clear. Now, think of some of things that people have said about you... Is there any truth to what...