Ummm... WHO are the Joneses & WHY are we keeping up with them??? I'm just askin'...

"Keepin' up with the Joneses"... How long has that expression been alive & kickin'??? It's about time to kill it and bury it because that VERY mentality is hindering a MANY folk from upgrading...

Now, I may not have been trying to keep up with the Joneses, but you'd better believe that I've tried to keep up with SOMEBODY.  Let's be honest... We ALL have... LOL... It's alright, boo... This is a "judgement free" zone.  For many of us, trying to keep up with those folks has landed us in hot water with creditors, receiving over-draft notices in the mail, or pacing the floor wondering HOW we were gonna make that next payment. FOR WHAT?!?!?!?! All for the pursuit of the good life or for what we perceive to be the good life. I heard in church this morning that "we have the best life"...  How true, indeed!!!

Take a moment RIGHT now and look around you.  Look... look... LOOK... Whether you're sitting in a 2 bedroom apartment or 10 bedroom estate, you are BLESSED!  You're reading this, so I KNOW that you're blessed... LOL...  You have breath in your lungs and movement in your fingers... You oughta thank Him RIGHT now!!!

See, we get so caught up in trying to drive in a car a little better than "them"... Trying to wear some shoes that cost a little more than "theirs"...  Striving to get a few more acres than "them"... But at what cost? And what's you're motivating force?  See, I've been there - DONE that... Shoot, I'm STILL trying to fix MY credit... (LOL... I'm just sayin'...) But, PLEASE believe that everything that I do now is for the GLORY OF GOD!!! I'm trying to maximize MY full potential... It ain't about what YA'LL got & I want... It's about what's in my inheritance from the Father that I must claim.  There's nothing wrong with wanting nice things, but want them with a clean heart.

Don't keep up. Surpass expectations...  MAXIMIZE YOUR UPGRADE!

'Til next week...


Jacqueline said…
M.Mckinney said…
Amen Jenn. Im walking in Gods authority and what he has for me is more than anyone can imagine. There are many of us that onced believed that we must validate who we are or what we have accomplished by what we have. But I know that I am the best me and biggest success not because of anything that I have or have become, it is because of who Christ is and what he has done for me.(Gave his life, to save my soul). Keep up the blogging, I love it!
beauty queen said…
It's too hard to keep up with another person's lifestyle. Some families will have others heads spinning from the numerous accomplishments and or failures so like why bother wasting any valuable time. Life is too short so like you say, ma'am, I will be blessed with what I have.

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