How Badly Do You REALLY Want It????

"Always remember that striving and struggle precede success, even in the dictionary."
- Sarah San Breathnach

I've become complacent...  I hate to admit it, but ya'll know I can't lie to you... Sometimes, we just get so used to dealing with the day-to-day foolery that we find ourselves stuck... Going through the motions each day, just hoping to make it to bedtime & get up to do it all over again tomorrow... That ain't living, my friends... That ain't living...

This weekend, I've had to do a SERIOUS re-evaluation of some stuff... Yes, stuff... My attitude, my goals, my relationships, my approach, my values... I really could go on & on listing the randoms that I've mulled over these 3 days, but it all boils down to this: I want alot of things to go my way... Right now... But what am I doing to make these things happen?

I'm a self-proclaimed "free spirit"... I pretty much just go with the flow... I like to do what I wanna do, when I wanna do it... I really don't like answering to anyone or being questioned about ANYTHING... Certain things have happened to me over the years that play a MAJOR part in this current mindset... I'm realizing, however, that there is a fine line between me going with the flow & me just having total disregard for things that I PROBABLY should be concerned about...

I want SO many things out of this life that I live, but how badly do I want them??? How hard am I willing to work? What am I willing to sacrifice in order to see my dreams become a reality? Can I put my pride to the side & humble myself enough to let others see me at my vulnerable points??? Hell, why not... OBVIOUSLY, my way isn't cutting it...

I don't want to go into another year feeling as "hardened" as I've been feeling as of late...  I want success badly enough to be able to call MYSELF out on the bullshit & reel the fuckery on in... So, just how badly do I want it? Peep the upgrade & see for yourself...

'Til next time...  XoXoXo


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