Blood is Thicker Than Water... That's What Mr. Wizard Would Say, Anyway...
That's what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you're not so lovable.” ― Deb Caletti I actually wrote this over a year & a half ago as a Facebook note, & my day one Tenille recently reminded me of it... It's speaking to my spirit, ya'll... How many times have you heard that saying??? "Blood is thicker than water..." Uuuuum, I'm sure it is, duh!!! LoL... Take a seat, collect a sample of the two, and see for yourself... I mean, u can't deny it!!! However, we use the phrase in reference to the difference in the bond between blood-related folks & non-blood related folks. I've always understood the theory, but that doesn't mean I've always, or ever will, agree with it... See, there's a bit of a "gypsy spirit" in me... ;) I am a firm & avid supporter of "free love"... Your ULTIMATE free-spirit, if you will... There are folks who are born into this w...