Blood is Thicker Than Water... That's What Mr. Wizard Would Say, Anyway...

That's what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you're not so lovable.” 
― Deb Caletti

I actually wrote this over a year & a half ago as a Facebook note, & my day one Tenille recently reminded me of it... It's speaking to my spirit, ya'll...

How many times have you heard that saying??? "Blood is thicker than water..."  Uuuuum, I'm sure it is, duh!!! LoL... Take a seat, collect a sample of the two, and see for yourself... I mean, u can't deny it!!!
However, we use the phrase in reference to the difference in the bond between blood-related folks & non-blood related folks.  I've always understood the theory, but that doesn't mean I've always, or ever will, agree with it...

See, there's a bit of a "gypsy spirit" in me... ;) I am a firm & avid supporter of "free love"... Your ULTIMATE free-spirit, if you will...  There are folks who are born into this world and are raised by non-blood relatives... But, I'll BET you that if a blood-relative resurfaces, they would still ride-or-die with that non-blood realtive... Over time they've formed a bond that's strong enough to feel as if the same blood flows through their viens... That's a powerful bond...

You may not agree with me, but I believe that you can, in fact, create your family... This in NO way excludes your blood family, but over time, new family members are added... You care for them, love them, and RIDE with them 'til the end.  But be mindful that if that bond isn't a shared, mutual belief, you can end up very hurt.  In the event that a dispute occurs or there's a misunderstanding, that so-called "family" can turn into a distant stranger over night...  All of the characteristics and memories that you thought made your relationship so special become faded memories...

Don't be afraid to love and accept people for who they are... Take caution as you pass judgement on the situations that they may find themselves in, especially if you know GOOD & well you've been in that SAME boat... And REGARDLESS of that "family" status, be REAL enough to tell them when you think they're wrong and why you think they're wrong... And if at the end of the day, those folks you thought were family turn they're backs and jump ship, don't sweat it... You have more family than you think you do... :)

Like Tupac told ya'll, "You've gotta take the good with the bad, smile with the sad... Love what you've got & remember what you had..." Amen to THAT... One things for sure: I'll never turn my back on my family, no matter how RATCHET they are... And I don't think God would have me to be any other way...

'Til next time... XoXoXo


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