It Took Me Waaaaaaaay Too Long To Do This...
"Getting your shit together requires a level of honesty that you can't even imagine. Ain't nothing easy about realizing that you're the one that's been holding you back this WHOLE time... That your lack of discipline is the answer to some of those "why not me" questions you ask..." - Unknown
Honesty with self is some of the most brutal honesty out there, man... I mean, am I lying???
We've heard the saying since childhood, "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!!!" Well, sometimes that truth can be scary... Sometimes, it's just flat out embarrassing... But at the end of the day, it's YOUR truth so own it & walk in it. I know this much: Until you get real about your own shit, you're gonna be stuck.
Over the years, there have been things that I felt like I had confronted and handled on my own, without seeking God first. THAT'S where I fucked up at... Thinking that it was over & done with... God said, "Nah... Get real, baby girl... Tell the truth..." So, that's all I wanna do. Everyone has the right to tell THEIR truth, even if it means shining a light on other's not-so desirable truths, as well... Hell, facts are facts, ya'll...
A few weeks ago, in confronting past demons, I posted a photo to Instagram of me from another lifetime. It wasn't the most flattering picture, but it was REAL... I didn't go into specific details in regards to the photo, but at THIS point of self-honesty, I HAD to share it to accept that that had happened to me and to make others aware that you never know the masked, hidden horrors experienced by mankind. However, at the same time while looking at it, I became fully aware that that was just ONE of the memories that I've been letting keep me stagnant in certain areas of my life, areas that I DESPERATELY want to grow in. I'VE been the one stunting my growth! I've been the one who's become complacent with the ways things "turned out"!!! Allowing myself to feel hopeless & feeding from THAT energy, spilling that foolishness over into other areas of my life... Oooooh, chile... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
What areas are you lacking discipline in? Take a minute & think about something that you're doing that you KNOW is hindering your further progress. Now, take at least one of those & commit to changing that over the next 21 days...
Most people believe that habits are formed by completing a task for 21 days in a row. I don't know how true this is, but it's worth a shot if there's a chance for a positive outcome... Don't limit yourself!
It took me WAY too long to admit that my character flaws have caused ALL of the situations I've been in, including where I am currently... Regardless of what has ever happened to me or has been done to me, reaction is everything in the end. Moving forward in life, I just ask that God orders my steps & guides my tongue... And the He CONTINUES to put this boldness on me to accept what I need to confront & to not be afraid to tell it like it was, is, & will be...
Stay tuned... I've got a lot to tell ya'll...
'Til next time... XoXoXo
Honesty with self is some of the most brutal honesty out there, man... I mean, am I lying???
We've heard the saying since childhood, "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!!!" Well, sometimes that truth can be scary... Sometimes, it's just flat out embarrassing... But at the end of the day, it's YOUR truth so own it & walk in it. I know this much: Until you get real about your own shit, you're gonna be stuck.
Over the years, there have been things that I felt like I had confronted and handled on my own, without seeking God first. THAT'S where I fucked up at... Thinking that it was over & done with... God said, "Nah... Get real, baby girl... Tell the truth..." So, that's all I wanna do. Everyone has the right to tell THEIR truth, even if it means shining a light on other's not-so desirable truths, as well... Hell, facts are facts, ya'll...
A few weeks ago, in confronting past demons, I posted a photo to Instagram of me from another lifetime. It wasn't the most flattering picture, but it was REAL... I didn't go into specific details in regards to the photo, but at THIS point of self-honesty, I HAD to share it to accept that that had happened to me and to make others aware that you never know the masked, hidden horrors experienced by mankind. However, at the same time while looking at it, I became fully aware that that was just ONE of the memories that I've been letting keep me stagnant in certain areas of my life, areas that I DESPERATELY want to grow in. I'VE been the one stunting my growth! I've been the one who's become complacent with the ways things "turned out"!!! Allowing myself to feel hopeless & feeding from THAT energy, spilling that foolishness over into other areas of my life... Oooooh, chile... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
What areas are you lacking discipline in? Take a minute & think about something that you're doing that you KNOW is hindering your further progress. Now, take at least one of those & commit to changing that over the next 21 days...
Most people believe that habits are formed by completing a task for 21 days in a row. I don't know how true this is, but it's worth a shot if there's a chance for a positive outcome... Don't limit yourself!
It took me WAY too long to admit that my character flaws have caused ALL of the situations I've been in, including where I am currently... Regardless of what has ever happened to me or has been done to me, reaction is everything in the end. Moving forward in life, I just ask that God orders my steps & guides my tongue... And the He CONTINUES to put this boldness on me to accept what I need to confront & to not be afraid to tell it like it was, is, & will be...
Stay tuned... I've got a lot to tell ya'll...
'Til next time... XoXoXo