Worst Behavior...

"Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge."
- Plato

I have been on my worst behavior... No lie... Like, in REAL life... I have been making some TERRIBLE choices... And it's not even that they're terrible choices, they're just choices that I've been making as a reaction to my emotions... Let's just say that they could be BETTER choices...

See, I always tell y'all that when you know better, you do better... That's the honest-to-God-given truth... I know better... I mean, I have been down THROUGH there... I've seen some things, good & bad, over these 32 years that have led me to be an EXPERT on certain topics...  But some of these same experiences have led me to this place where I am now... This place of bad behavior...

If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that I'm a FOOL with it... Daily... People see my posts & assume they know me... Can I blame them, though??? I'm the one posting the stuff, not some Instaghost... My homegirl & I were joking & she said, "Girl, you're so disrespectful on Instagram..." I laughed, but then I thought about it... It's not that I'm disrespectful... I'm just honest about my feelings, which is a gift & a curse... My view on relationships has changed DRASTICALLY over the years... I believe in love & rainbows & glitter & all that good stuff, but I'm also very much aware of human nature... We do some really ratchet stuff to one another... Knowing this causes me to take an "IDGAF" attitude at times... It's like, in my head I'm thinking, "I'm gonna do you in before you have a chance to do me in..." How jacked up is that??? Which leads to me being on my worst behavior...

Maybe I need to stop listening to Drake, I don't know... Or MAYBE I just to change my behavior... Yea, that seems like it makes more sense... I know the Bible, no matter how much I clown & joke... So, I know good & well that alot of my behaviors are NOT pleasing to God... I really believe that this, in turn, blocks my blessings... It's holding up my upgrade, people!!! I can't have that... No sir, brother...

Check your behavior folks... Look at what you're doing... Not just what others see, but what you have going on behind closed doors... If you have something on your heart that you haven't been able to let go of, something that's been causing you to act out or constantly do monkey-shit, pray about it... Bind it up, cast it on out, & watch things turn around...

'Til next time... XoXoXo


Unknown said…
I live to read your 'blogs'. This post by all means hits close to my heart. I can relate to 'behavior' and 'my actions' in my situation. Its like i'm in a 50/50 situation...its wrong but its right...can u understand where im going with this? I know i need to walk away...tried...prayed...sonething within (hope its not that devil) telling me to stay cloae. Well, in due time all things must come to an end. Keep posting and i will keep reading to see how your blogs/life experiernces can help a SINNER like me...never perfect but working on me. Have a good 1 jennjenn

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